Cessium Chloride

Cesium is nature's most alkaline mineral and cesium chloride is the salt that is formed fromf it. For advanced cancers, such as Stage IV cancers, high fatality cancers, cancers that have spread significantly, fast growing cancers, a treatment with cesium chloride is certainly one of the best choices.

The theory behind the cesium chloride treatment for cancer is mostly the resultof the early research of Dr. Keith Brewer, PhD.
Cesium limits the cellular uptake of glucose. This starves the cancer cell and stops fermentation.  It raises the ph of the cell to approximately 8.0. This is a fatal environmentfor the cancer cell. It dies within a few hours to a few days and iseliminated by the body.

Cesium chloride also neutralizes the weak lactic acid which stops pain within12 to 24 hours.The cesium treatment directly targets cancer cells. Normal cells do not take inthe cesium chloride and therefore are not affected.

A cesium chloride treatment requires the right diet, additional supplements,a well thought out combination of minerals, in the correct amounts and the right
frame of mind. It is important that you consult with the venodor about thecorrect usage of the cesium and the required supplements.

It is also a good idea to have your blood potassium, calcium, uric acid,electrolytes and sodium levels checked regularly, even if you take thesupplements as suggested.

The use of strong alkali minerals provided a permanent cure for many cancerpatients. In the first documented experiment Dr. Brewersuccessfullytreated 30 patients with various cancers.